Thursday, December 15, 2011

the parable of a mustard seed

A parable can most often be defined as a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson.  Historically, parables and storytelling were often used to pass down significant stories from generation to generation.  Parables were commonly shared amongst one another to help communicate complex ideas in a form that was easier to comprehend.  The parable of the mustard seed was one of many parables Jesus told his disciples when trying to explain the kingdom of God.  Jesus describes the kingdom of God “as a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground.  Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants (Mark, 918). ”  I have chosen to illustrate this parable in a form of body adornment that visually communicates the key components of this text.  Focusing primarily on the mustard seed and the elaborate plant that grows from the seed, I have designed a pair of earrings that are visually composed of both of these elements. The black mustard seed, in its two-millimeter natural size, has been situated on the lobe of the ear with the mustard plant growing intricately out of the seed.  The seed is partially covered by the plant, which acts as a symbolic representation of one’s faith and how one miniscule seed can grow into something elaborate and complex.

One of the challenges of this particular project was to create the entire pair of earrings using only sterling silver wire, in comparison to using sheet.  This created several challenges but also forced myself to broaden my spectrum of thinking and come up with innovative ways to manipulate wire.  These earrings have been fabricated entirely out of sterling silver wire and each earring has been set with a 2mm smokey topaz faceted stone.  

[I have not yet had the opportunity to properly photograph these earrings, as they are currently on display in the jewellery department at my school, but the photo above gives you a glimpse of the style I have chosen to work with.  I will be sure to post a finished photograph of the earrings in the new year].