Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I have spent much of my Christmas break with Rosie, as I don't get to spend much time with her when I'm away at school.  Rosie is a two-year-old schnoodle that my family has raised since she was four weeks old - she has definitely become a part of our family.  She is rather curious with a keen interest in playing games with anyone who will pay her a spec of attention; she loves to give high fives, roll over, dance and fetch the ball.  If one begins to talk to her, she tends to stand up straight, tilt her head to the side and perk up her ears as if she were listening intently.   I have chosen to mold Rosie in this particular position in hope that her stature will express a small aspect of her own unique personality. The actual dimensions of the sculpture is approximately 4 x 2 x 3cm and has been cast in bronze. 

 Part One - wax model using hot and cold modeling techniques
 Part Two - wax model cast in bronze
Part Three - cleaned and finished with a patina

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